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Mathilde Maillard / Club Travail

Mathilde Maillard grew up in Saint-Nazaire and has nurtured a tender addiction to harbor atmospheres ever since.
Furthermore, she collaborates with l’Amicale starting in 2011: first as a producer and project coordinator, then as an actress and author with On traversera le pont une fois rendues à la rivière.
In 2017 she develops CLUB TRAVAIL, a project to explore the intimate relationship between people and their work.

From 2019 to 2023, Entropie supported Club Travail in the development of three projects:

* Petit Milieu et/ou Le guichet du Club travail / Internet performance
* Le Tarot du travail (edition+ animated performance)
* De près on ne voit que la peinture (radio encounters) 2018-2022


General manager
Pierre-Laurent Boudet
pierlo.boudet (at)
+32 484 650 830
Administrative manager
Stéphanie Bouteille
admin (at)
+491 07 20 76
Production manager
Thomas Frabolot
prod (at)
Abel Poucet

Entropie Production is supported by Ministry of Culture of Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Wallonie Bruxelles International and the Commission communautaire française (Cocof).

Office: P.A.C.O. (Pôle d’Accompagnement Collaboratif et Ouvert) - 17 rue de Manchester 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean


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