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Since the spring 2020, openoffice is an informal and free meeting open to all artists and cultural workers active in the performing arts in Brussels.
Every first Monday of the month we meet to answer questions and exchange information about everything that is related in the development and realization of artistic projects.

Everyone who is looking for advice on projects in the performing arts, or who would like to exchange experiences, is welcome. We discuss specific themes during an information session/workshop and then organise a moment for all possible questions. Keep an eye on our agenda or Facebook page for new dates!

Spoken languages Dutch, English, French, a.o

openoffice is organised by Caravan Production, HIROS, workspacebrussels, Arts Management Agency (AMA), ZOO/Thomas Hauert, & Entropie Production; and is inspired by Le bureau des compagnies started by Le Grütli - Centre de Production et Diffusions des Arts Vivants (Geneva)

visual (c) André Chapatte


General manager
Pierre-Laurent Boudet
pierlo.boudet (at)
+32 484 650 830
Administrative manager
Stéphanie Bouteille
admin (at)
+491 07 20 76
Production manager
Thomas Frabolot
prod (at)
Abel Poucet

Entropie Production is supported by Ministry of Culture of Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Wallonie Bruxelles International and the Commission communautaire française (Cocof).

Office: P.A.C.O. (Pôle d’Accompagnement Collaboratif et Ouvert) - 17 rue de Manchester 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean


* indicates required

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