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DIPTYCH: Life is not useful (or It is what it is) -solo-

Life is not useful (or it is what it is) and Matamatá form a diptych.
This diptych is the production of two choreographic works that complement and complexify each other, like two photographic images placed side by side. Diptych is a project at the crossroads of theatre, dance, literature and visual arts, consisting of a piece for three performers (“Matamatá”) and a solo conference ("Life is not useful or It is what it is). It is the deployment of my infinite search towards and around the marvellous.
Faced with the zeitgeist of our time, the climate catastrophe, the imminent death of the largest tropical forest on the planet and other challenges, as a choreographic artist I ask myself: Will we be able to reforest/replant, to become a forest with our bodies and our cities, how are we going to find joy and pleasure and not fall into melancholic and eco-climatic anguish? How can we make a dance to delay the end of a world?
We start from bodily fabulations to perhaps make the audience’s thoughts dance.

  • Solo: Life is not useful (or it is what it is) (Création - November 2023)
    « I’m here, and there is nothing to say (...) I have nothing to say and I’m saying it and that is poetry as I need it »
    Jonh Cage in Lecture on Nothing, 1959
    Ailton Krenak, a philosopher with an honorary doctorate from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora Minas Gerais in Brazil, has published his ideas under the titles "Ideas for delaying the end of the world", "Life is not useful", "Tomorrow is not for sale"... based on his words, I’m dreaming up a solo-conference-dance, treating these interviews as musical scores. My job is to compose a movement script using his words. Dancing as a way of inhabiting another way of thinking, of letting ourselves be moved by his words, which denounce the devouring and eating of worlds.

concept, choreography & performance Bruno Freire (BE/BR)
light design Laura Salerno (BR)
sound design Tomas Monteiro (BR)
Provocations Cristian Duarte (BR), Ana Teixeira (BR)
Traduction from portugues helped by
Dramaturgy feedbacks and text adaptation Roz Whytes (english), Anna Czapski (french)

To Matamatá -trio-


General manager
Pierre-Laurent Boudet
pierlo.boudet (at)
+32 484 650 830
Administrative manager
Stéphanie Bouteille
admin (at)
+491 07 20 76
Production manager
Thomas Frabolot
prod (at)
Abel Poucet

Entropie Production is supported by Ministry of Culture of Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Wallonie Bruxelles International and the Commission communautaire française (Cocof).

Office: P.A.C.O. (Pôle d’Accompagnement Collaboratif et Ouvert) - 17 rue de Manchester 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean


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