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Upcoming dates

1 April/28 April

Maxime Arnould

Passion for fear (Résidence)


Gasstraat 88-90, 2060 Antwerpen

Passion for fear is a work in progress, conceived as the second part of a diptych following on from Hello world.
Passion for fear is a performative solo, mixing digital worlds, archives and interactivity, around the conspiracy fictions emanating from social networks, their political component...

4 June/16 June

Maxime Arnould

Passion for fear (Résidence)


Rue Notre-Dame-du-Sommeil 83, 1000 Bruxelles

Passion for fear is a work in progress, conceived as the second part of a diptych following on from Hello world.
Passion for fear is a performative solo, mixing digital worlds, archives and interactivity, around the conspiracy fictions emanating from social networks, their political component...

12 July/14 July

Vincent Glowinski

Ptera au Grand Marché

Halles de Schaerbeek

rue Royale Sainte-Marie 22a, 1030 Schaerbeek, Belgique

Ptéro is a large-scale puppet-sculpture. When it opens its wings, they spread over 5 metres. It is made of parchment leather, a moulding technique that uses cow skin. Ptéro doesn’t like the rain and will have to find shelter in case of rain. Vincent Glowinski will accompany his creation for the...


27 February 2023/3 March 2023

Life is not useful (or it is what it is) and Matamatá form a diptych. This diptych is the production of two choreographic works that complement and complexify each other, like two photographic images placed side by side. Diptych is a project at the crossroads of theatre, dance, literature and...

13 February 2023/12 March 2023

"What does your safe place* look like?"
Hello world is an autonomous technological installation in which Maxime Arnould and a drone coexist. Welcome to a programmed world that responds to our emotions. Through this piece, Maxime Arnould confronts his fear of drones and their double identity...

7 February 2023/20 February 2023

Bruno Freire

Life is Not Useful (Residency)


Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) - Italia

Life is not useful (or it is what it is) and Matamatá form a diptych. This diptych is the production of two choreographic works that complement and complexify each other, like two photographic images placed side by side. Diptych is a project at the crossroads of theatre, dance, literature and...

10 January 2023/10 January 2023

In Vacances vacance, Ondine pays tribute to all the moments where we are not exactly where we should be, because we are late, elsewhere, on vacation or aside of our body. It’s an observation of what is not here, now, but that may have been earlier or somewhere else. The piece goes back and forth...

19 December 2022/23 December 2022

In the midst of fermenting...
This ongoing research was born in a rural and militant environment with reflections on habitat, gardening, fermentation, collective self-sufficiency, the local...
This enquiry, and the slow and careful observation of other living beings, was accompanied by a dive...


General manager
Pierre-Laurent Boudet
pierlo.boudet (at)
+32 484 650 830
Administrative manager
Stéphanie Bouteille
admin (at)
+491 07 20 76
Production manager
Thomas Frabolot
prod (at)
Abel Poucet

Entropie Production is supported by Ministry of Culture of Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Wallonie Bruxelles International and the Commission communautaire française (Cocof).

Office: P.A.C.O. (Pôle d’Accompagnement Collaboratif et Ouvert) - 17 rue de Manchester 1080 Molenbeek-Saint-Jean


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